# Write annotation by starting with '#', which would be ignored by parser # Subscription name name: Ralyo - random # Author name creator: ralyo # small_poster_url: https://r.886996007.xyz/subscriptions/default/poster.png # large_poster_url: https://r.886996007.xyz/subscriptions/default/poster.png # Poster displayed in app poster_url: https://r.886996007.xyz/subscriptions/default/poster.png # Write something about this subscription description: Songs generated by ralyo # Change version when you added, removed or replaced songs. If version remains same, new parsing won't process. version: 1.7 # song_list enpoint. # If index's url was https:://domain/path/index, song_list's url would be https:://domain/path/ # In this case, the song_list's url is https://r.886996007.xyz/subscriptions/default/songs.txt songs: songs.txt